Our Pupils
Our focus is on children and young people with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs and Autism. Our pupils have a significant range of additional special educational needs, which staff are well trained to support. We are passionate about ensuring our staff have the most up to date and relevant CPD and training to ensure the best support is provided to every pupil.
We will give priority to pupils with EHCPs who have been diagnosed as having difficulties with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs which are preventing them from learning in a mainstream setting. Each application will be assessed on an individual basis. In each case we will take account of the needs of the individual child and consider whether the school will be suitable for them and if they would age compatible with the current cohort. We will consider pupils who:
- Are aged between 8 and 16 at the time of admission.
- Have a statement or EHC Plan which indicates specific difficulties with Social, Emotional and Mental Health and/or Autism need.
- Have challenging behaviours linked to ADHD, Anxiety, ASD and other SEN conditions.
It is important to also share that since opening, we have always run to our maximum capacity, and admissions are jointly managed with the Local Authority. These are ideally completed in the January before a following September start date, but please be aware that we receive vastly more consultations than places we have available each year.
Whatever stage of learning our pupils are at when they arrive academically, the staff will work hard to motivate and engage them in order that they re-engage and start to enjoy learning again. Our pupils work in small groups within their classrooms, with a teacher and additional teaching assistant support in each class.
Our Facilities
Sir Bobby Robson School is a new, purpose built school where pupil need was at the heart of the building design. Our building includes our onsite kitchen, fantastic outdoor spaces and room to develop these spaces in the years to come.
There are many features of the building which support an appropriate learning environment including insulation to reduce noise, appropriate flooring and carefully chosen lighting. The decoration in the building is also supportive of students’ needs and we are now developing the environment further with the input of our pupils.
There are a number of specialist teaching spaces in addition to our 10 classroom bases, including a science lab, food tech room, art and DT room and a large sports hall. Throughout the building are a number of calming rooms, designated pastoral rooms, a soft play room and a sensory room. We also have dedicated therapy and intervention rooms, including a Thrive room and a Lego Therapy room. The stand alone dining room provides opportunities to eat alone or in small groups, and this has become something of favourite with our pupils as they continue to develop their friendships and social groups.