Sir Bobby Robson School

Pastoral Support


At Sir Bobby Robson School, we strongly believe that partnership with families and care networks are an essential tool in our pupils’ development socially, emotionally and educationally. Parents and carers have the most powerful influence on their child’s development and we hope you will work with us to support your child and the school to make the most of all the opportunities that are available.

Individual pastoral support is available to our pupils via our dedicated Pastoral Support Team. We also ensure we meet the needs of our pupils through regular contact with parents/carers and outside agencies involved in each pupils welfare, to provide the best possible level of support for all-round development. Our team of highly skilled teachers and learning support staff, help pupils to reduce their barriers to learning. Through our high expectations, we challenge our pupils to succeed.

We encourage all forms of parental contact with the school since a close, three way partnership between pupils, school and parents/carers always results in greater mutual understanding for the benefit of the pupils concerned. Senior Leaders will always try to be available should you need to discuss anything with us, but please do forgive us if we are not available immediately, due to our commitments supporting our pupils and team during school hours.

Pastoral Support at SBR

Our dedicated pastoral support team are all highly trained and experienced practitioners. All are Lead Thrive Practitioners, and Mr Brinsley is a Norfolk Steps Tutor in additional. Together, they provide daily support for our pupils in a vast array of ways, and by being non class based, it means that they as a team are able to build essential relationships with our pupils and be readily available to support as and when needed.

Our Pastoral Support Team

Sam Brinsley
Pastoral Support
Jo Matthews
Pastoral Support
Julie Dennis
Pastoral Support