Governing Body
Local Governance at Unity Schools Partnership
The UnitySP Trust Board, through the Articles of Association, has committed to Local Governing Bodies to work in partnership with the Executive and Leadership Teams to fulfil the three core responsibilities of Governance.
These are:
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
We have married these to our Governance Charter and our Scheme of Delegation. These documents, together with the USP Handbook for Local Governance, clearly set out the role and responsibilities of our Local Governing Bodies (LGBs). You can access these documents from the links below or directly from the Unity Schools Partnership website.
Our Governing Body
Chair of Governors: Mrs Angie Roques
The school governors are individuals representing the parents and public in important matters involving the school. The governors, in co-operation with the headteacher, are concerned with the educational facilities, the maintenance of the school building, the appointment of staff, and the general administration of the school curriculum. The day-to-day details of teaching and management are the responsibility of the headteacher and the teaching staff.
If you wish to contact our Governing Body please do so via the school address available on our Contact Us page. We are also always looking for volunteers to join our Governing Body, so should you have an interest in supporting our school, please do get in touch.
Meet our Governors
Trust & Community governors
Mr Chris Minett
Mrs Angie Roques (Chair)
Mr Malcolm Reeve
Ms Rosalind Towns
Staff Governor
Lisa Poole
Mr Adam Dabin
Parent governor
Please follow the ‘Get Information About Schools’ link below for additional governance information.